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Very pretty! Now I do get to Bainbridge Island on occasion and will have to check it out.

Kathie B

Kathe's art is ravishingly beautiful. People like her make me rue that I was unlucky enough not to inherit my family's art-gene (how I envy my cousin, who got mine as well as his own share!).

P.S. Any chance that Kathe's surname "Fraga" hails from the island of Flores in the Azores? Grandma's grandparents were Fragas from there -- as is Tom Hanks' maternal side, so I hear ;-)


She does such whimsical stuff, I like it a lot.


I love your Saturday art saves, Corey - always so inspiring :))

Kathie B

Could you please ask her if she knows whether her Fraga ancestors are from the island of Flores in the Azores, as mine are?


I thought I recognized that name, I live on Bainbridge and have admired Cathy's paintings for many years.
A small world!


Thank you so much for including my paintings here on your beautiful blog--I'm honored! All the best, Kathe Fraga

Meg Mitchell

Absolutely incredibly gorgeous art. I would dearly love to have a room where I would be surrounded by these designs and colors. A wonderful post.

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French La Vie started in 2005. I have the "Brocante Bug," which means antiquing is my cure; France can do me no wrong when it comes to treatment ° 35 years living in France with my French Husband, whom I met while dancing in San Francisco ° Two children, now in their early thirties, amour et joie ° Come join our journey either vicariously through my blog or on a French La Vie Week Retreat in Provence °