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Your best post ever Corey !


I LOVE your mother's dining room! It's obvious where you get your good eye and flair from ... I also love that this is a home with a big heart. Please send love and greetings to your mom.


With so many things to do,so many children....i'm coming to Willows to give you a help!Until Easter or who knows when.....:)


What a wonderful place to be! My mother's kitchen was always busy, nothing was too much trouble to cook and never did she own a single cookbook! You are so lucky Corey, enjoy your time together! x


You must be homesick even when you're home! What great descriptions and details. I have a turkey cookie cutter. I think I'm going to mix up the batter, which has to set overnight, and bake the cookies on Thanksgiving morning. I'm pretty bummed over Thanksgiving, well all the holidays, since my family isn't together, so I'd better start some new traditions to give it some life.


Thanksgiving is not something we celebrate in New Zealand, but I have been in Canada once for their Thanksgiving and in San Francisco pre-Thanksgiving, so i have seen all the preparation that goes on. It is such an amazing thing to behold and even more poignant when told by you and illustrated by your Mom and family. I think all the best aspects of what Thanksgiving must represent are shown and expressed within your particular family, so you are indeed blessed. Thanks for sharing!


The "curtain crows nest" almost made me choke up, such a loving creation!

I keep thinking all the time how happy you must be, being home at Thanksgiving.
So different from trying to celebrate far from home, where nobody understands what Thanksgiving really means.

Blessings to all of you,

P.S.: How about preparing a second set of turkey cookies, to surprise your brother "after the deed"? ;-)


I love the holidays! My mom's kitchen always smelled like turkey and dressing, yams and bread. I loved it and miss her so much. We still all get together at her house (where my oldest sister lives) and eat way too much. And laugh, and remember, and love.


Roomy with checked curtains, crocks, wooden spoons, butter molds,rolling pins and springerle molds. Red and green handled cookie cutters in an oak basket waiting for the next "cookie day". Hoosier cabinet in the corner crammed with baking supplies. Always good smells of bread, pies, cookies along, with whatever meal of the day it was. The very best part was the woman in the middle of it all who always had time to talk, laugh and share a hug with whoever walked in. God how I miss her, but am thankful to have had such a wonderful Mom in my life. Corey, I am sure your Mom and mine would have liked each other, lots in common, including their unique and creative decorating! Happy Thanksgiving one and all!


Oh the smell of baking: my mother's homemade cinnamon rolls! Every time I bake them I think of my mom.


Picture of the dust broom curtain please!!! You should do tours of your moms house-I'd pay for the "B and B" experience at her house:)

Linda H

We had the same cookie cutter growing up! Grandma was the baker in our family. Last night I made a batch of gingerbread to cut into turkeys, pineapples, acorns, and maple leaves this morning. Don't think I'd be welcome for Thanksgiving without them!

Lisa DeNunzio

Greetings Corey. Why is it that we never want our childhood home to change? We want it always to remain that sunny warm place where are wonderful memories were born and continue. We will be 20 this year to share the Thanksgiving feast and offer up some thoughts as to what we are most grateful for. We do this each year in a large circle outside that tends to increase each year.

By the way, my first entry on my blog has been posted. Be kind when you read it. I have a very long way to go but am excited. A hug, Lisa
Please take a look when you have a chance. htttp://ladolcevilla.wordpress.com.

Any thoughts or gentle suggestions (I feel very vulnerable and uncertain) would be most appreciated.....

Brenda, Walker, LA, USA

I thought you were in my mom's kitchen!!! What is it with the knives???

Tamara Komuniecki

Corey, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! Well, your mom's house is not so much representative of my past (though, having grown up on a farm with three other siblings, there is some of that here), but my future. You see, I aspire to be the kind of nurturing, patient, creative and caring woman your mother is. It makes me wish I had a brood of children who will bring me a brood of grandchildren!
Enjoy your time at home - I am so enjoying your stories!


Corey, Happy Thanksgiving! Your mom is so awesome - I am so tired before this holiday, but your post of your mom's tireless energy is inspiring me to push through! My childhood was quite different, I was never allowed in the kitchen and try hard not to pass that on (but, I have to admit my daughter's messes are over the top sometimes). Thanks again for a great post - have a wonderful day! xo


i wish big families all living close to one another was still the norm..... sounds magical....
happy thanksgiving.!


Brought back memories of my mom in the kitchen. She was a whirlwind. Everything was delicious. My friends would stop by to walk with me to school so they could eat a left over breakfast biscuit. Mom's were the best.

I do envy your mom's sweater and scarf attire for cooking. She looks so chic. A look I could never pull off while cooking. I wear sweats or other leisure attire.I'm thinking I should try to glam up a bit more.

Sharon Penney-Morrison

Home for the Holidays. It does not get any better. One set of my Grandparents lived on a farm in eastern Kansas. They had dairy cows, chickens, and a few pigs. They were poor, but I never knew that. Grandmother Bessie, cooked on a wood stove, and she had an old kitchen cupboard that was her work counter. Water was drawn from the well outside the kitchen door and carried in a bucket to the small counter, that held a white enamel wash bowl.
My memory (from the 1950's) is of her starting the dinner very early. I would help her roll the dough out for the amazing pies, pumpkin, cherry, Pecan and Apple for the boys. She always made homemade noodles and I would get to cut them in strips on the metal topped cabinet. The smells were unforgettable and a mixture of soft and sweet, and of her talcum powder she would pat on her neck.

When I tell this to my children and Grandchildren they think I am really old to have lived in a time where there were out door toilets, and no running water. It did not seem strange to me....it was just the way it was when we visited the farm from the big city we lived in.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


I have a set of those same red cookie cutters! I'm determined to use them this year.

Happy Thanksgiving Corey! And happy days with your family. xoxo


Happy Thanksigiving. I spent the past two years with my family but this year I'm staying here and having dinner at my house with friends.


I brought back my Mom's red turkey cookie cutter to France.

Brenda L. from TN.

What a great post! Lots of memories!

My maternal grandmother lived with me and my Mom so I saw upclose how great grandmothers cooking can be! I was always the "spoon licker"....no matter what she was cooking..."Pumpkin, come taste this and see if you like it"...and I always did.

My paternal grandmother was even a better cook! Her Mother and baby sister died from Yellow Fever when my "Nannie" was just six yrs old. She said she pulled a chair up to the wood-burning stove and her Daddy showed her how to cook basic things. She died at 92.

Both Grandmothers were beautiful people...NEVER EVER said a bad word about anyone...they were much loved and missed terribly when they passed...I was truly blessed to have two WONDERFUL Grandmothers!

Your Mom's house sounds much like theirs...warm kitchens,cookies baking, lots of good food and tons of laughter and love!

Happy Thanksgiving to ALL!


can you post a pic of the dust broom kitchen curtain? i'd love to see that!!!!! i think our old red turkey cookie cutter is the same as yours...

Amy Kortuem

Every family needs that one guy who will do things like eat the heads off the turkey cookies. My Dad always finds the roll or the potato or the cookie he wants, licks it and then puts it back on the plate. It definitely works...nobody else will touch it!

Your Thanksgiving images and kitchen memories are beautiful, Corey. When I think childhood kitchen, I think of my Grandma's. Small, but always steamy and warm with such good-smellling things going on in there. I've been vegetarian for years, but I would some days sell my soul for the beef and homemade noodles she made. I miss her.

cynthia wolff

how about some of your moms recipies. We’ll all carry one her traditions.
Again, love your family and your mom...she’s the best. your lucky.


My French husband calls it "Penitence Day" since cranberry sauce, bread stuffing, pumpkin pie, yams and the works are so un-French...but he never complains~

A Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Corey!


I haven't thought of my childhood kitchen for a very long time, but there always was the "junk drawer". It was a simple kitchen, as my mom was a simple woman. There often was an apple pie and pancakes made in shapes.

I love your family traditions, including the turkey head being bitten off. Good thing the head is small or he would have a stomach ache by the time dinner comes along. May you and your family have a delightful Thanksgiving!


Reading this was just like being there-you could feel the love.
Grandma lived at Favorite Aunty and Uncle's home and always either helped with the baking or sat in the kitchen and knit. Aunty loved to bake as much as her family loved to eat. Two cookie jars-one a cow, the other HumptyDumpty, four big glass recycled mayo jars with white metal screw top lids were in a cupboard, all half full of different cookie varieties. Everyone liked cookies, in case you couldn't tell. Oh Aunty's apple pie was heaven!I can almost smell Aunty's kitchen, many years later. Butter, yeast,sugar, melting chocolate and Aunty's perfume. Now unfortunately Aunty has diabetes and is a bit senile, so must rely on those good memories of the past.

Anne Gsolfot

I love being 'home' with you for Thansgiving. It makes me feel so warm and loved. Of course I can't deny that all of that wonderful food makes my tummy feel happy too. Los Angeles is too far from Willows to just drop in but I'll be there in my mind.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and all of your loved ones.


It is so reassuring to see the same things in my moms home for the last sixty two years. Sure she moved twice, but I can still find many of the same utensils that were in the house when I was a small child.

Paula S In New Mexico

Happy Thanksgiving everyone !!!

Kathie B

Hope you enjoy your holiday, Corey!

"The cookies. Each season brings out a different cookie cutter." Corey, does your family have a groundhog cookie cutter from nearby (to us) Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, for Groundhog's Day? February 2 will be upon us before we know it!


Oh my gosh, I so seriously want to be your mom when I'm her age - I cannot imagine being a better grandmother who has more fun!!!!

This is amazing!

Marilyn from Chico, Ca

My childhood kitchen was a tiny little in an apartment in the city (Philadelphia). We had chrome furniture with a red top and an Aunt Jemima cookie jar on the top shelf. I had to climb up on a chair to reach it (when no one was looking of course)We hardly ever used the kitchen as we ate out for most of our meals. I just LOVE your Mom's kitchen and wish I had had one like that ! Maybe we would have eaten home more.


Now I am inspired to bake! It would be so much fun to be in your Mom's kitchen and learning her secrets.
I loved waffles growing up, cooked on an old rectangular waffle iron. I think we used a mix from a box.
Loved the fudge, brownies, choc. chip cookies, popcorn, toasted cheese sandwiches, and bacon cooked in the kitchen.

Linda A

I rarely leave comments since I do not have a blog
but your mother's home and your reflections of the
family traditions make me miss my mother and our
holiday rituals. Living in central Calif, I know
how I would miss home if I were to leave.
Glad your home....soak it all up and enjoy.
So touched by this post.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

Cousin Chris

Hey Corey, tell Aunt Delores, since she's in the baking mood, that Nephew "Creesch" needs a loaf of world famous-$80.00 a loaf at the festa-Massa Sovado!


Your Mom's kitchen sounds like my Mom's and her mother's before her. We had the turkey cookie cutter too. I think it came in a set from Tupperware or something like that. Our kitchens were always yellow and my kitchen is yellow. Dad always painted yellow, he liked it. He said if you had to live in the rainy Pacific Northwest, paint your house yellow to invite the sun. Red checked cook book, junk drawer, the sugar bowl and spoon, you have described home to me. Happy Thanksgiving Corey and family.


Lovely post - it sounds like the perfect home kitchen, full of life and warmth. You've started me off thinking about the two kitchens of my childhood, but it was way too long to write about in a comment, so you've inspired me to write a whole blog post about it! I've just posted it! But I couldn't find a single photo of our old kitchen to illustrate it. I love all your pics so much!

Kristin McNamara Freeman

Corey ...Today's words brought to the fore of my mind so many memories of my mother's kitchen and my grandmother's kitchen. Snicklerdoodles were my one grandmother's best cookies and cut-out sugar cookies came from the other. My mom taught us all how to do the family traditional dishes and today I am making the dressing from my maternal grandmother's recipe...to share with my daughter and my grandchildren.
I will write in my journal today about mother's kitchen; memories flood me now and I give thanks for you, your wonderful writing and photos that so often stir those deeply held within memories. Your writing blesses me again and again.
May your dinner today with family in Willows fill your well with so much love to take back to France with you.
Thank you Corey for your faithful writing and photo capturing of life around you.
Kristin McNamara Freeman


The curtains are so great!


We had the same turkey cookie cutter! And now I have it in my kitchen!!

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