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01 June 2011


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Mélanie Aussandon

Iphone is fantastic .


I've got mine last saturday. I made myself a -Pre-birthday present:September 50! and... I want to try a post on my blog too.How did i live without one, it's wonderful!!!


Pretty picture, you're braver than me, I am afraid of iphones.


i like this idea/action plan!! looking forward to snipets of life in the south of france...thanks for always keeping up with technology...i am glad someone does...i stink adjusting to new gadjets and such...

Cathy J.

Corey, that's a gorgeous picture. I don't have a IPhone, but recently got a Droid phone. I guess you never know what you're missing until you get a new gadget! I love being able to access as much with a phone as with my MAC.


Beautiful! I can't imagine how a "real" camera could have taken a better picture!

The Pliers

I would love to have an iPhone but hell will probably be glacially cold before I ever get one. I hope you enjoy yours to the hilt!!!


Yeah! I always have wished you would twitter/post stuff more often.


You will love your IPhone!


I'm going to call just to see if you actually answer the damn thing, assuming you didn't forget it :)!!

French la Vie

Hi Lynn

Yeah, well here is the thing ..."What is my number?"
I forgot to ask, lol.
Though I haven't forgotten to carry my phone. It is too cool, it can do almost anything...except iron.


Merisi in Vienna

What, no app yet for ironing????? xxx


anything that will bring even more Tongue in Cheek goodness to us is fabulous! you will be a roving blogger, ha ... you already are! watching the French Open tennis in Paris on television and wishing I were there.

Rebecca from the pacific northwest

What a quality photo from a phone! And what a view from your village!

I'd like an iPhone (although the learning curve would be tricky) but Husband resists what he calls creeping bottom line. Dang.


Congratulations! Is there an app for Brocante?


Great picture! Love your old voicemail message ! :)
I should’ve done the same when my father practically forced me to get a cell phone.
I resist getting an iPhone, because of the high data plan prices. It feels like a waste of money to me. But then, I don't have blog, so what would I use it for?
For a full disclosure, I should say that I do own an iPod touch, which can catch Wi-Fi and I can install apps on it. But no camera. I listen to a lot of free audio podcasts and radio shows.

Babs Millward

You're going to love the iPhone and I'm going to love the extra photos and posts. I have an app for Paris "Keys to the Fleas" and I'm sure there are more.


That's an amazing photo from your phone! I'm so excited that we will get to see even more of your wonderful French life! Now when you go to brocante maybe we can see you in action!

I seem to get blessed with hand-me-down laptops, but now you have me wishing for a hand-me-down iPhone. Instead of always being the practical one, you can bet I will be the first one to encourage my daughter to buy one so someday I will eventually be the lucky recipient of it. Or maybe I should just have her read this post and comments with all the iPhone love. Makes. me. want. one. Now!


People, this is Steve Jobs.

It's not an I Phone. or an IPhone.

It's an iPhone.

Please don't bother us. Or infringe on trademark issues.



I don't have an iPhone; I may invest in one in the future. Great picture though!

Brenda, Walker, LA

Yay!!! You did great, before long you and IPhone will be one in one! Yann will be just a little jealous with your involvement, but he will get used to it and commune with you through it! Smiles!


I'm rushing off to work, but I can stop reading now that I saw that picture (with your iPhone). It wasn't even the picture. The picture, plus the words "near my house" just did me in.


Your iPhone photos are fantastic. . .and all this time I thought your beautiful photos were on account of an extraordinary camera. They are all about your eye and composition. Congratulations.

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French la Vie Creative Journeys in France. Please join me in 2023 to learn more click here
French La Vie started in 2005. I have the "Brocante Bug," which means antiquing is my cure; France can do me no wrong when it comes to treatment ° 35 years living in France with my French Husband, whom I met while dancing in San Francisco ° Two children, now in their early thirties, amour et joie ° Come join our journey either vicariously through my blog or on a French La Vie Week Retreat in Provence °