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Sacred Art of Living

Corey, thanks for this wonderful image. I just finished writing my own post about St. Francis so it was lovely to come across this now.
Blessings, Christine


Love the photo. I am not Catholic so all of the information on Saints is interesting to me. I didn't know that every day of the year is named after a saint, at least in most countries, and that All Saint's Day is for the one's left over who didn't get their own day. It is more of a big deal in France. My husband says most people get a cake on the day of the saint they were named after. I noticed that there are no Saint Linda's.


I remembered the seven counsels of Mevlana a theologic philosopher....he counsels his students.. how to be..
in generosity and helping .. be as the running water
in kindness and mercy.. be as the sun
in disguising other people's default be as the night
in anger and agressivity..be as the dead..
in modesty and humility ..be as the soil
in tolerance .. be as the sea
either act as you feel
or feel as you act..
do you think we have all to be wise-man to understand the simple rules of being human??..why doesn't people apply these everyday..
I wish you a happy and peaceful St Francis day..
and the photo is wow..again..


Thanks you for this beautiful post Corey. On this day I want to celebrate Saint Francis with a walk in my forest, and with Saint Birgitta's prayer - God show me the way, and give me strength to walk it.


Thank you for the beautiful book suggestions! I'm touched.


St. Francis was radical in his beliefs...and we can all be thankful for that. May we try to be radical in ways available to us, and to live the prayer offered to us by him.

Meilleurs vœux!


That is and has always been of my most favorites.
Thanks for sharing.
Love You.


"For in giving it is
recieving" giving thanks we should all remember.I thankyou
for this post.

mary ann

hi corey!

just catching up with you as i have been away...

missed reading your blog while i was away! beautiful words & imagery as usual!

xo mary ann


what a gorgeous way to greet the day:) You have just set the tone for my entire day (as you so often do:) thanks! xoxo


This prayer was chosen for the prayer cards at my dear MIL's funeral, one year ago this month.She lived this prayer,and it is a timely reminder of her. Thank you.


this has always been one of my favorites. It seems like we used to sing the hymm more often when I was young than we do now. I hope you are doing well. :)


I love your photograph!

And being a Catholic girl in
my youth and not understanding
most of it. Like why and how and
I want proof! Anyway, St. Francis
was one of those saints who I


Dearest Corey,

You stir my heart...


Corey you took the song right out of my mouth :) (love the photo, the sandals I am not worthy to carry) -my song is 'Meekness and Majesty'.

carole m.

thats it~this photo put me over the edge!!! I must stop lurking and write to you. I truly love your blog and photographs. As I go down my list each morning I save yours for last so I can sit back and ponder your lovely words and pictures. They stay with me throughout the day-always. Would it be possible to purchase a few of your photos? I have filled my home with framed photos, many of religious statues, and this I love more than all of them. Thanks for considering and being a special part of my day.


Oh Corey, I really needed this, this morning.


One of the most beautiful prayers ever.

Di Overton

I am in no way religious but you certainly have a way with words. Lovely Post




Well, Corey, I don't know if you ever get tired of people thanking you, or not. I say that because I'm aware it's a very big task to influence and inspire so many people as consistently and effectively as you do.

I woke today wishing, quite acutely, to write about St. Francis on my blog. But ... as a Buddhist with a regular readership that is spiritually eclectic rather than Christian, I wasn't sure if I had that "right".

Your post gave me the courage to go for it. So here's another THANK YOU coming your way. I write from my heart very differently than you do, but when I come to absorb your daily offerings, I always perceive a kindred spirit and intentional commitment to the same essential quadrants of All That Matters.


Thank you for this image and these words, Corey. Wonderful, as always.

The beloved husband of a friend is dying. His death is largely caused by a series of terrible mistakes by others.

Today my friend told me the story of the two wolves that live inside each of us. One is filled with anger, bitterness, revenge, and ugliness. The other is filled with light and love and grace. Which wolf is stronger, says this amazing woman, depends on which you feed.

As we make a feast of our lives today, as we celebrate the feast day of St. Francis, let's all remember to feed the wolf with whom we want to live, the one we want to share with others and our Selves.

again, thank you, Corey.


Lovely prayer. We used part of his Brother Sun prayer for our Spring Festival. He was truly in touch with the Earth and elements and all the energy of the Universe and totally free of dogma. Thanks for letting me know it was his Day - I'm not really up on saint's days but it is good to know.


It is all too often "for" me. Have always loved this, would I followed it more.

la vie en rose

we used to sing a song in church with these words...i was reminded of that time...

Toni Mason

Hi Corey, Love this photo, very appropriate for St. Francis. Always love anything to do with Saints...left over from Catholic School!! Peace to you also!


I love the saints. I became Catholic after I married my Catholic husband. I grew up a Protestant in a Catholic neighborhood and my best girl friends were Catholic. They would give me beautiful holy cards and little plastic statues of the Virgin Mother and I kept them in a secret place in a little cigar box. I always thought St. Francis was such a beautiful and gentle man and saint.


These words speak peace.


Your blog inspires me. I just love reading your take on life!


Oh. How I have always loved this prayer... It makes my whole energy feel more peaceful just reading those words here. Thank you, my sweet lady.



I just got goosebumps! Last night I wrote a note to myself to use these words in a collage....

Love, Colette


the photograph made me think of "how beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news.."
Your feet are most beautiful, Corey, bringing the good news as you do every day on your blog.

annie lockhart

i had a minor drama today...and i fell hook, line, and sinker right slap dab in the middle of it...wishin' i had read your post in the am...maybe i wouldn't have let my feelings get so hurt so bad...so bad, that i got mad...then cried my heart out...learning to forgive myself when i fall short...i have always loved this prayer...thank you for taking the time to post such wonderful photographs of your world...and to express it so vividly...xo...annie


This is my favorite prayer of all time. We said it (everyone) at my wedding. I say it every night.


Love it!

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