Cool is Blue Plastic
The day my son stood in front of his bedroom door and said, "My room is not for sale!" I knew my buying and selling days at the flea market were coming to an end!
Everything in our house was either from the flea market, bought from a second hand store, or collected at the Brocante. Until this day I hadn't bought anything new.
Later in the day I came home with a laundry basket that I bought at the shopping center.
When he saw it he covered his mouth with his hands, as if he had seen a robber, and shrilled, "It's New! It's BLUE! It's PLASTIC!"
Gee, was I that fanatic about old things? What could I say? I looked at him then at the new-blue-plastic-laundry-basket and defended myself, "The washing machine is new! I didn't buy it second hand! ...this laundry basket folds and can be stored alongside of the washing machine, see? Practical huh?"
Was I ever practical?
He reinstated, "You bought a blue plastic basket! PLASTIC!! That is so cool Mommy!"
Some kids think their parent's are cool when they buy them computer games, my son thinks I am cool because I bought something blue and plastic!
Although, not cool enough to sell stuff from his room.
p.s The photo above: 2005, My husband and son in the real blue!
love this ! when my son was young he vowed that he would never, ever set foot in an antique shop 'when he grew up' however, he did grow up,is now 30(yes,I was a young mum), married with a family & his own home - and his wife loves 'old stuff'
Posted by: ms*robyn | 23 December 2005 at 06:38 AM
You are such a great story teller. I loved this!
Posted by: andrea | 27 March 2006 at 11:10 PM
Funny :-) Nothing like a conversation with a child to help you see yourself in the world...
Posted by: Jennifer | 28 March 2006 at 02:43 AM
this is such a great story. miles may be like his daddy who is over my obsession with containers:straw baskets, wood bowls, wire baskets, pottery. hello, feminine archetype!!
Posted by: pixie | 29 March 2006 at 09:09 PM
I do like this story, Corey!
an unexpected but accurate remark from our own children... and all of a sudden we feel judged or somehow betrayed.
I can't find any example from mine right now, but I'm sure I 've been through the same experience...
Posted by: Marie-Noëlle | 18 October 2006 at 06:48 PM