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05 March 2014


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nancy w.

I am already laughing.


corey honestly last night laying in bed thinking of people and intentions and lent one thought lead to another and the chain lead to the weed salad and the onion orange salad- the dressing sounds delicious!

Rebecca from the pacific northwest

yum, I love garlic too. and am thrilled now that I'm able to taste and smell it again at long last.


I was not expecting that headline when I came to your blog today, lol.

Ana Maria

How nice to read about Annie; how sad to read she can no longer take those pleasant walks with you. Is she bedridden? Hopefully she has someone caring for her on a regular basis. Please know that I pray for her. You are very blessed to have Annie in your life. You are a very special person and are surrounded by special people.

La Contessa

I do believe I remember this post!Although, I cannot believe I have been reading you daily for that long!


I'm convinced that you could eat a rubber tire if you put enough garlic and butter on it-as you do with snails. Onions too.


How much does one pay per kilo for this weed?

Merisi in Vienna

Foraging in the fields, what better welcome to spring?

In Rome, "Erbe di campo" was one of my favorite springtime treats.


I love your Annie stories............and love all you share. I love garlic it makes everything tastes better.............
Love and hugs Give Annie big hugs and hellos for me

Blessings and love and smiles across the miles.
Love Jeanne ^j^


For a week, I've been looking at a potted Nephrolepsis Fern I brought home a couple of weeks ago, thinking that it looks so tasty. I do have the ingredients for a good dressing, including lots of garlic. Hmmmm......to eat, smoke, or just gaze, that is the question.


I remember that Annie story and YES it does seem like yesterday. I remember it because it reminded me of my Grandmother--she made Dandelion Wine!

Teddee Grace

You are so lucky to have someone around who still knows which wild plants are edible. My mother used to gather these in the spring when I was quite young...I remember purslane and I think pepper grass and, of course, dandelion...she is now in the nursing home and I'm not sure even if I took my gatherings to her she would be able to distinguish one from another. Did you know you can eat the actual dandelion flower?

Franca Bollo

If you decide to smoke any of it, you can use your fancy roach clip.

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